Answering 30 questions [Details for both sides; agree/disagree]

 In this post, I will introduce Information about both sides of the ambulance problem. I will address questions no.8,9, and 26.

>How many doctors agree with the idea of charging ambulances? (Q8)

As I mentioned in the last post of this blog, there is a data which shows more than 90% of doctors agree with the idea of charging ambulance. 

日経ビジネス電子版. (n.d.). 医師の9割が救急車の有料化を支持. 日経ビジネス電子版. 

>How many patients disagree with the idea of charging for an ambulance? (Q9)

I couldn’t find data that shows how many patients disagree with the idea of charging an ambulance on the Internet. So, instead, I made a survey and I could collect some data. (I’m going to talk about the survey more concretely in another post.)According to the survey, 69% of people disagree with the idea of charging for an ambulance.

Survey result

>Is there any difference of generation between pro and con for the idea of charging an ambulance? (Q26)

It might be little old data, but there is data taken in 2011. According to an article, surprisingly, rather older people than younger people disagreed with the idea of charging for an ambulance.

-reference- (n.d.). 
