Answering 30 questions [Cost]

 In this post, I will introduce the problem of inappropriate use of ambulances by an aspect of cost. I will answer questions no. 4, 15, and 20.

>How much will be cost to use an ambulance? (Q4)

It is said that it cost about 45 thousand yen for one call. Can you believe this cost!?!? When I heard this for the first time, I was really surprised. Don’t you feel sad to hear that most of the money is used for inappropriate use?


1回の出動で4万5,000円...現場逼迫で「救急車有料化」は?: 富裕層向け資産防衛メディア. 幻冬舎ゴールドオンライン. (n.d.). 

>If we set a fee for an ambulance, how much will it be? (Q15)

Since I have I idea about the answer to this question, I collect my friends' ideas by using my survey. In my survey, I asked people the same question by referencing the cost of an ambulance in some overseas countries. According to the survey, most people think that setting a fee to  “5000yen” is the best. My question and survey results are here.

Question: If the Japanese government decides to charge for ambulance services, how much do you think would be appropriate?(もし日本が救急車を有料化したら、いくらが救急車の運賃として適切だと思いますか?)

>How about other countries around the world? (Q20)

I will introduce how much other countries set as fee of an ambulance.
・New York(ニューヨーク); about $300(25,000円)~
・Paris(パリ); about €170(23,000円)~
・Rome(ローマ); free (無料)
・Beijing(北京); about 116 yuan(2000円)~

The cost for an ambulance can be different from city to city, or from public to private. So before you trip, you should check this point carefully.

作成者: (2020, June 14). 海外の救急車事情: 海外医療情報センター. 特定非営利活動法人 海外医療情報センター. 
