30 research questions

Here, I will pick up various questions about the topic to make you understand this issue.

Please check them out!

  1. What’s the ambulance charge problem?
  2. Why is it so problematic?
  3. In this problem, who are involved?
  4. How much will be cost to use an ambulance?
  5. Is really medical industry complain about this issue?
  6. How big the effect of overuse of ambulance by patients who are not so seriously injured?
  7. Is there other social problem which is involved in this issue?
  8. How many doctors are agreed with the option of charging ambulance?
  9. How many patients are disagreed with the option of charging ambulance?
  10. Is there any example to introduce the paid ambulance in Japan?
  11. How change this problem according to ages?
  12. How this issue seen by other country?
  13. How change the number of calling ambulance ?
  14. Why people use ambulance as a taxi?
  15. If we set fee to ambulance, how much will it be?
  16. How should we set a line of disease between not so serious one and serious one?
  17. How important for serious injured people the time is?
  18. Is there any treatment for this problem in Japan?
  19. Where (Which prefecture) in Japan can be affected the most?
  20. How about other countries around the world?
  21. Does Japan educate people for this problem?
  22. How this issue attracts people’s attention?
  23. Can this issue solve by increasing taxes?
  24. Dose this issue linked PA agreement in Japan?
  25. How many years will be taken to change the current medical system?
  26. Is there any difference between generation for pro and con about this issue?
  27. In this COVID-19 situation, does this issue will be more problematic?
  28. How difficult to change this current system?
  29. How this issue treat on media?
  30. How about the public opinions about this issue?


  1. Hi! I'm interested in how deep you will research into the topic.
    I have never thought about calling an ambulance and pay money and never thought of free ambulance to be problematic. I was unaware of this issue since it doesn't really come up on the news or anything.
    I am excited to read your posts answering these questions:)

  2. I think your blog looks very sharp, with a good choice of visual elements that make it more attractive.

    I'm glad to see that some of your questions try to broaden your research to include an international perspective and I'm also pleased to see that you're attempting to connect the issue to wider social problems ("Is there other social problem which is involved in this issue?"). I wonder what other social problems you're thinking might be connected. Perhaps the problem of elderly people being isolated and lonely?


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